👋 Hi, I'm Jess

👩‍💻 Developer & project manager based in Berlin.

Right now I'm a software engineer. In a former life I had an 8 year career in the online and e-commerce industry. This gives me a unique and highly relevant skill set: I’m a full-stack developer who can also scope and manage large development projects, translate business objectives into tangible actions and effectively lead across and upwards various stakeholders and senior management.
I’m passionate about using tech to solve real problems, every decision I make relates to how I can improve the experience of my users.



Mobile chat app built with React Native and using Expo.

Uses GiftedChat interface
Data stored both in Google Firestore DB & locally
Allows users to send text messages, upload images from their camera roll, take photos with device's camera
& send their current location with MapView


Spotify App built with React.

Uses Spotify API
Allows users to view profile info, see listening stats and play tracks
Express server for Auth
Front end built with React
Data visualisation with ReCharts
//WIP incorporate Songkick API to allow users to find upcoming shows based on their Spotify listening history


Serverless PWA built with React using TDD technique.

Uses Meetup API
Allows users to find events in their area & display details
Serverless functions - Auth server: AWS Lambda
Data visualisations using Recharts
TDD using Jest-Cucumber & Puppeteer
Monitored with Atatus


MERN app storing & displaying movie & user data.

Back end:
Node.js & Express app
DB built with MongoDB
business logic modelled with Mongoose
Front end:
SPA built using React with React Redux
allows users to:
view movie, director & genre info
create an account & save movies to favourites
styled with Bootstrap

Other bits and bobs I've been working on:

This site!
nothing but good old fashioned HTML & CSS

Vanilla JS, Boostrap, Fetches from PokéAPI

Vue.js, vueDraggable, vue-material

Let's Get Quizzical:
Angular & TypeScript


Right now I'm working as a Software Engineer at Spark Networks in Berlin.

I'm always on the lookout for anything cool to work on, so if you think I can help with your project, drop me a line!

jessicajsmcdonald (at) gmail (dot) com